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Programming Lab Exercise,

In DrJava, define a class called BankAccount1 in Use the source code at as a starting point.

An object of this class represents a bank account.

Add the following to the BankAccount1 class definition:

  • an instance variable that represents an account number
    • a set method to set the account number
    • a get method to get the account number
  • an instance variable that represents the account holder's full name
    • a set method to set the account holder's full name
    • a get method to get the account holder's full name
  • re-compile the code after each addition you make

In do the following:

   - Prompt for an enter the following information from the keyboard using Scanner input:
     - a full name of an account holder
     - an account number
     - an account balance
   - Using the information that was entered, create a bank account in the account holder's
     name, assign it the input account number, and deposit the input account balance into it.
   - Use the get methods for account holder's name, account number and account balance to
     display all bank account information.
        Example output:
            name: Bea Rogers
            account number: 100
            account balance: $1000

See source code for,

cs175/implementing_classes_lab_2.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/07 18:18 by jchung

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