~~NOTOC~~ ====== Joe Chung ====== ---- ===== Contact Info ===== [[misc|Joe Chung]]\\ UNIX Administrator - Teacher\\ [[http://csse.monmouth.edu | Computer Science & Software Engineering Department]]\\ Howard Hall 224\\ Monmouth University\\ West Long Branch, NJ 07764 Email Address: [[jchung@monmouth.edu]]\\ Monmouth U. Homepage: http://bluehawk.monmouth.edu/~jchung (redirects here)\\ Office Phone: 732-571-4463\\ Office Fax: 732-263-5202\\ ---- ===== Projects ===== * [[http://cssegit.monmouth.edu | The CSSE Department public gitlab installation]] * Integrate with opus Apache2 * Move to CSSE cluster * Linux Labs * HH 305, HH 310 * puppet or chef configuration * OS chooser menu/buttons * MUPD notification * CSSE Cluster * [[ | lizardfs]] (MU network link) * OpenNebula or Apache CloudStack * OpenVPN/WireGuard routing * [[http://plato.monmouth.edu:50070/dfshealth.html | Apache Hadoop]] (MU network link) * Apache Spark * [[https://cssegit.monmouth.edu/cshelp/csseremote/-/wikis/MUCSremote | Virtual Linux lab]] (requires gitlab login) * Live USB Linux distribution * for Windows labs * AntiX or MX base * applications for programming classes and programming competitions * Scripting languages * Rexx * plugin for Geany * extension for VSCode * Wireless mesh networks * advise.py - mass advisee auditing script * Python selenium * cryptpad, peertube instances ---- ===== Courses ===== ==== Spring 2025 ==== * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2025/cs371/info | CS 371 - Scripting Languages]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2025/cs438505/info | CS 438/505 - Operating Systems Analysis]] (Piazza) == Fall 2024 == * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/fall2024/csse360/info | CS/SE 360 - Intro to Game Development]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/fall2024/cs438505/info | CS 438/505 - Operating Systems Analysis]] (Piazza) == Summer 2024 == * [[https://monmouth.desire2learn.com/d2l/home/334617 | CS-176+L]] (ecampus, Summer E) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/summer2024/cs175175lds502/info | CS 175+L/DS-502]] (Piazza, Summer D) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/summer2024/csse370/info | CS/SE 370 - Program Development Under Unix]] (Piazza, Summer B) == Spring 2024 == * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2024/cs201/info | CS 201 - Intro Comp Prog for Data Science]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2024/cs371/info | CS 371 - Scripting Languages]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2024/cs438505/info | CS 438/505 - Operating Systems Analysis]] (Piazza) == Fall 2023 == * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/fall2023/csse360/info | CS/SE 360 - Intro to Game Development]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/fall2023/cs438505/info | CS 438/505 - Operating Systems Analysis]] (Piazza) == Summer 2023 == * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/summer2023/cs175175l/info | CS 175+L - Intro to CompSci I + Lab]] (Piazza, Summer D) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/summer2023/csse370/info | CS/SE 370 - Program Development Under Unix]] (Piazza, Summer B) == Spring 2023 == * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2023/cs201/info | CS 201 - Intro Comp Prog for Data Science]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2023/cs371/info | CS 371 - Scripting Languages]] (Piazza) * [[https://piazza.com/monmouth/spring2023/cs438505/info | CS 438/505 - Operating Systems Analysis]] (Piazza) == Archive of past semesters == * See the [[archive of past semesters]] ---- ===== Utilities/Downloads ===== * [[http://rockhopper.monmouth.edu/~jchung/launch/putty.exe | Launch PuTTY]], a [[http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=ssh&sektion=1 | ssh]]/telnet client for Windows * [[http://rockhopper.monmouth.edu/~jchung/launch/pscp.exe | Download Pscp]], a [[http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=scp&sektion=1 | scp]] program for Windows * More information about PuTTY/Pscp can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/tigervnc/files/stable/1.12.0 | Download link for recommended vnc clients (viewers)]] * [[http://rockhopper.monmouth.edu/~jchung/launch/tigervncviewer-1.12.0.jar | Direct link to tigervncviewer-1.12.0.jar]] (Java vnc client) * [[http://rockhopper.monmouth.edu/cs/jchung/start?do=login|A helpful link]] ---- ===== Links ===== * [[http://csse.monmouth.edu | The CS&SE Department Web site]] * [[http://cssegit.monmouth.edu | The CSSE Department public gitlab installation]]