Complete the following assignment. The deadline is Monday, 4/1, 5pm. Read/review the reading assignment on "[[|Arrays as parameters]]" and "[[|Character Sequences]]". Also, read about "[[|Enumerations (enum)]]". Write a program ''TicTacToe.cpp'' to play tic-tac-toe using one 9-element character array. The program must allow for 1-player (human vs. computer) or 2-player (human vs. human) games. In the 2-player game, the program should ask for moves alternately from player o and player x. The program should display the game positions as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The players enter their moves by entering the position number they wish to mark. After each move, the program displays the changed board. See the [[TicTacToe sample 2-player game|sample 2-player game]]. In the 1-player version, the computer should just choose random open squares. See the [[TicTacToe sample 1-player game|sample 1-player game]]. To play a version of this game, open a Terminal on the rockhopper or opus servers or in a Linux lab, and run $ ~jchung/cs699/tttoe A [[|program template]] is available for TicTacToe.cpp, with essential functions included. You must use this template as the basis of your program. ----