===== The Triangle Class ===== Open the [[https://piazza.com/class_profile/get_resource/iy0n0x38gms4no/j0nvh4mzkwr6ag | InheritTriangle]] project in BlueJ. Make the //Triangle// class extend the [[http://rockhopper.monmouth.edu/~jchung/cs176/sp11/labs/lab6/GeometricObject1.java|GeometricObject1 class]]. Modify the //Triangle// class' //toString()// method to display the //Triangle's// area, perimeter, color and whether it is filled or not. Write a test program //testTriangle.java// that creates a //Triangle// object with sides 1, 1.5, 1, color //yellow// and //filled status true//, and display the //Triangle// object's data using the //toString()// method.