~~NOTOC~~ ====== CS 175 - Intro to Computer Science I ====== ====== CS 501a - Computer Programming Essentials ====== Semester: Fall 2014 ---- ===== Information / Announcements ===== ----- ===== Notes ===== * [[Introduction to Computing and Programming]] * [[programming_with_robocode|Beginning Programming with Robocode]] * Using Objects * [[Robocode lab - CornerBot1]] * [[Using objects lab|Using Objects lab - TryRandom1]] (The //java.util.Random// class) * [[https://piazza.com/class_profile/get_resource/hzkswvpxv2r2nu/i0so7cooskp5bf|TryRandom2 - Math.random() method alternative]] * Implementing Classes * [[Robocode lab - CircleBot1, ZigBot1, RandomTurnBot1]] * [[Robocode lab - MethodBot1]] * [[Implementing Classes lab 1 | Implementing Classes lab - Counter]] * [[Robocode lab - CornerBot2 | Robocode lab - CornerBot2, using modulus (%) operator]] * Data Types * [[Data Types and Input lab 1 | Scanner Input lab - BMI]] * [[Implementing Classes lab 2 | Implementing Classes and Input lab - BankAccount]] * Decisions * [[Find largest of five integers|Decisions lab - LargestOfFive]] * [[cs-175_sp13_robocode_select_fire_with_variables|Robocode lab - AdjustFireBot1]] * [[Robocode lab - NearestWallBot1]] * [[Chess squares - noloop|Decisions lab - ChessSquares]] * [[cs-175_sp13_counter_class | Decisions lab - Counter class redux]] * More on Methods * [[Methods lab - TryRandom3, using randbetween method]] * [[Robocode lab - gotoCenter, gotoCoords methods]] * [[Robocode lab - distanceTo(x,y) method]] * Loops * [[Loops lab - OddEven]] * [[Loops lab - Inches to centimeters conversion table|Loops lab - Inches-to-centimeters, pounds-to-kg conversion tables]] * [[Loops lab - Temperature conversion tables]] * [[Loops lab - Ulam sequence]] * [[Loops lab - Sum of odd integers]] * [[Loops lab - Number guessing game]] * [[Loops lab - Sum of dice]] * Arrays * [[Arrays lab - Sum of dice]] * [[Arrays lab - Magic 8-Ball]] ---- ===== Tasks ===== * [[List of CS-175 Assignments|List of Assignments]] (Next deadline: Tues, 12/9, noon) * [[cs-175_fa14_first_robocode_tournament|Lab Test 1 - robocode tournament 1]] (10/23) ---- ===== Resources and Links ===== * [[https://piazza.com/class/hzkswvpxv2r2nu|Piazza home for CS-175/501a-50, Fall 2014]] * [[https://piazza.com/class/hzyhv50hhbf7f5|Piazza home for 501a-51, Fall 2014]] * [[http://rockhopper.monmouth.edu/~jchung/cs175/fa14/src/Generic175.java|Generic Java program template for CS 175]] * [[http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/Robot.html|Robocode class methods reference]] * http://greenteapress.com/thinkapjava/ (Think Java, online textbook) * http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/ (Introduction to Programming using Java) * http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ (Sun Java Tutorials) * http://www.leepoint.net/notes-java/index.html (Fred Swartz Java notes) * [[http://www.drjava.org|The drjava IDE]] ----