====== Robocode distanceTo Method ====== ---- We want to write a Robocode method called //distanceTo// that gives us the distance from our robot to a set of x and y coordinates. The start of //distanceTo// is as follows: /* * distanceTo: compute and return distance to a set of x,y coordinates * * inputs: double x, double y * output: return double distance from our robot to x, y */ public double distanceTo( double x, double y ) Define and test the //distanceTo// method in //[[robocode_lab_-_methodbot1|MethodBot1]]//. Note: We've calculated distance between x,y coordinates before in [[https://piazza.com/class_profile/get_resource/hzkswvpxv2r2nu/i1coj251kcg46u|AdjustFireBot2]] and [[https://piazza.com/class_profile/get_resource/hzkswvpxv2r2nu/i1zch0mkzjn32d|CenterBot3]]. ----