ls -l
ls -lt
* Change the shell's behavior by changing the shell profile.
a) Open a new tab in the terminal (shift-control-t).
b) Type this command (don't forget the dot in .profile):
gedit .profile
(The dot in .profile makes .profile a hidden file in UNIX.)
c) In the gedit window, scroll to the end of .profile.
Hit a couple of times to add blank lines at the end of the file.
Type in the following lines. Then, save the file and exit gedit:
# Run fortune if Linux
if [ $(uname) = "Linux" ]
/usr/games/fortune 2> /dev/null || /usr/bin/fortune
d) Start a new terminal.
The shell should now give you a fortune cookie each time you open a terminal.
(You can also get a fortune by just typing the fortune command in the terminal session.)
This demonstrates that changing the shell profile changes the shell's behavior.
==== Using the mouse in the X Window system ====
* The left mouse button can be used to copy text to a clipboard. Click and highlight a line of text in Firefox.
* Switch to a terminal window and hit
a. In the konqueror address bar, type this:
b. Enter your hawkmail password and create a konqueror bookmark.
==== Create a personal Linux help file (.cshelp) ====
* Want to be made aware of it each time you open a terminal
* Want to display it with the cshelp command
* Want to be able to update it with the cshelpupdate command
a. In a terminal window, type this command again:
gedit .profile
b. Scroll the blinking cursor down to the end of the file. Hit
a couple of times to add blank lines. Type or copy / paste
in the following text:
echo Type "cshelp" to view your help file.
echo Type "cshelpupdate" to edit your help file.
alias cshelp='cat ~/.cshelp'
alias cshelpupdate='gedit ~/.cshelp'
Save the file and exit gedit.
c. In a terminal window, type this command:
gedit .cshelp
d. Copy and paste the following text into gedit.
* leet hax0r editors
vim, gvim
* User-friendly editors
* Listing files
ls -l (list file attributes)
ls -lt (list newest files first)
* Lock the screen
* Logout fast
Use "Logout Fast" from IceWM menu
at the same time
* Access floppies, CDs, USB drives
Insert floppy, access the /floppy/floppy0 directory
Insert CD, access the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory
Insert USB drive, access the /usb/usb0 directory
* X Window system copy and paste
Left mouse button to select and copy
Middle mouse button to paste
* Access previously used shell commands
Press the and keys
* File manager
Use konqueror
ftp to zorak with ftp://hawkdom2\my_student_id@zorak
* Chat
* Listen to CDs
* Surf
firefox, mozilla, konqueror
* Edit my webpage (public_html dir)
kompozer, mozilla composer, nvu
* Open Word / Excel / Powerpoint files
* Print files from a terminal
lpr file_name
enscript file_name
* Mail a file from a terminal
mail -s "my subject" recipient_email_address < file_name
* Save the file and exit gedit. Email me your .cshelp file with the following command:
mail -s "my .cshelp file" < .cshelp
===== Javascript basics =====
* Javascript programs are embedded in html documents using the tag.
* Syntax is similar to C / C++ / Java.
* Basic popup user input using the prompt statement
* Basic popup output using the alert statement
* Simple variable declaration using the var statement
* Variables are assigned values using the assignment operator, =.
* Default type of variables is string.
* String concatenation is done using the addition operator, +.
* Conversion from a string variable to a numeric variable is done using the eval statement.
* Object-based features: object methods and object properties
* The stringName.length property of the stringName object contains the length of the string.
* The stringName.toUpperCase() method of the stringName object converts the contents of the string to all upper case.
===== JavaScript lab assignments =====
==== JavaScript Lab 1 ====
Due date: Friday, 12/5
(It's important that you complete the following exercise in Linux using gedit. Don't use Windows for this exercise. You can use X Window system cut-and-paste here.)
1. Create separate html files containing the following simple Javascript code examples and save them in your //public_html// directory:
a. Save as //hellojoe.html//
Hello Joe
Hello, Joe
b. Save as //hellouser.html//
Hello User
Hello, User
c. Save as //concat.html//
d. Save as //goodadd.html//
The Goodadd
e. Save as //namegame.html//
The Name Game
The Name Game
Using a Linux html editor (suggestion: use kompozer), create a section on your course journal, //cs102.html// called "Javascript examples" that contain links to the above separate html files.
For the following, we'll look at some simple Javascript examples at
and apply the techniques to your student web pages.
**Important:** Before doing anything, make a backup copy of your public_html/index.html file. You can use the konqueror file manager to do this or run the following commands in a Terminal.
$ cp public_html/index.html public_html/index.html.bak
==== JavaScript Lab 2 ====
Due date: Wednesday, 12/10
* Display the day of the week, current date and current time on your student web page using the Javascript Date() function
* reference:
Using //gedit//, edit your public_html/index.html file and insert the following lines right after the tag:
* document.write inserts the text The current date and time: and the output from the Javascript Date() function into the current html document.
* The + operator allows you to concatenate two strings together.
==== Javascript Lab 3 ====
Due date: Wednesday, 12/10
* Display a random quote on your student web page using an external Javascript program.
* references:
* external Javascripts -
* arrays -
* random numbers -
1. Using //gedit//, edit a new file //randomquote.js// and save it to your //public_html// directory. The contents of //randomquote.js// should look like this (copy and paste from here into //gedit//):
// Display one of 10 random fortunes from Linux 'fortune'.
// This returns a random integer between 0 and 9
// and assigns it to the whichQuote variable
var whichQuote = Math.round( Math.random() * 9 );
// Create a 10 element string array called 'quote'
var quote = new Array(10);
// Put each quote in an array element.
quote[ 0 ] = ""
quote[ 1 ] = "";
quote[ 2 ] = "";
quote[ 3 ] = "";
quote[ 4 ] = "";
quote[ 5 ] = "";
quote[ 6 ] = "";
quote[ 7 ] = "";
quote[ 8 ] = "";
quote[ 9 ] = "";
// Insert the randomly selected quote into the current html document.
document.write( "A random quote:
" );
document.write( quote[ whichQuote ] );
2. Open a Terminal and run
$ fortune -s -n 90
to display less-than-90-character fortunes. Or copy and paste this command into Terminal to display five short fortunes at a time:
$ for i in $(seq 5); do fortune -s -n 90; echo; done
Copy and paste 10 fortunes that you like into //randomquote.js// like this:
quote[ 0 ] = "Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
This calls the external Javascript, //randomquote.js// from //index.html//. Save //index.html// and reload your page.
==== Javascript Lab 4 ====
Due date: Wednesday, 12/10
* Randomly choose the image that will be displayed on your page.
* references:
* arrays -
* random numbers -
Find and download at least 2 more **clean** images into your //public_html// directory.
Using //gedit//, edit your public_html/index.html file and find the line that is currently loading an image in your web page. It should contain the
Insert your image file names between the quotes after "image[ ] =" like this:
image[ 0 ] = "lolcat1.jpg";
image[ 1 ] = "epicfail1.jpg";
image[ 2 ] = "mydreamcar.jpg";
Save //index.html//. Reload your homepage to check the result.
==== Javascript Lab 5 ====
Due date: Wednesday, 12/10
Objective: Create a new page call //polarplots.html// that contains thumbnail versions of the charts from Spreadsheet lab 5. Moving the mouse pointer over each thumbnail image should display the full size version of the image using JavaScript.
1. Create image files.
Log into your UNIX account. Using the Gnumeric Spreadsheet (run 'gnumeric'), find and open your Excel lab 8 file in your CS 102 folder. If you never completed Excel lab 8, borrow this one:
Select and save each of the 4 charts as a separate PNG file, e.g. //limacon.png, spiral.png, cycloid.png, rose.png// . Save them all to your //public_html// directory.
2. Create thumbnail (small) versions of the image files.
Use //konqueror// to make copies of the .png files created in step 1. The copies should have "-small" appended to the file name, e.g. limacon-small.png, spiral-small.png.
Open a Terminal, and use the 'mogrify' command to shrink a copy of each image down to 20% of its original size: (for example)
$ cd ~/public_html
$ mogrify -scale 20% *-small.png
This scales all the small files to 20% of the original size. You can use konqueror to view the large and small versions of the images.
3. Insert JavaScript needed to do the job.
Create a new html file //polarplots.html// in your //public_html// directory. Insert something like the following in //polarplots.html// (This works for 2 images, so you'll have to expand it for your 4 images):
4. Create a link to polarplots.html
Create the link in your //cs102.html// (journal).